Valentinstag steht vor der Tür (genau, immer am 14.2., also Samstag).
Die liebe Laura (von "I am the Diva") hat die wöchentlichen Zentangle-Aufgabe genau darauf gemünzt.
Das passt, denn ich wollte eh mein Design "Herzlbee" vorstellen, dass ich auch in meinem Zentangle Buch
"Das große Zentangle-Buch: 101 Lieblingsmuster"
mit aufgenommen habe. Hier z.B. mit Aquarell-Farbe, als Lesezeichen oder auch super gut für jede Grußkarte geeignet. Probiert es gern mal aus.
Happy Valentine´s day für Euch alle.
Lasst die Herzen sprechen!
Hello dear Zentangle-friends,
it´s (almost) Valentine´s day. Thanks Laura Harms for this challenge, to take and do something with heart.
So I took my tangle "Herzlbee" - I wanted to show it anyway to you :-)
It´s also in my book, where 56 CZTs joined and we show 101 tangles.
You can find it pretty well selling on amazon.de,
called "Das große Zentangle-Buch, 101 Lieblingsmuster".
If you want to purchase it, go on amazon.de - or send me an email, I can send it to you too.
Happy valentine day to all of you around the world!
Happy tangle-time
Here again the stepout, better so see? (on my Screen it Looks pretty fuzzy)
Lovely design, Beate. Good luck on your book too :)
AntwortenLöschenThank you, Jean. Herzlbee is right now my favorite one ;-)
Löschenyepp, the book is great, and well selling on Amazon.de. I´m glad about that, so aaaaall the work has now a relieved result. I try to relax after months of work. puh. Happy greetings.
Great one! And I must say, I just love your book!!! I just got it in the mail last saturday and I've already read it a few times. Congrats on an amazing book!
AntwortenLöschenHi Anoeska, thank you so much for your heartful comment :-)) I´m glad you like it!!! Happy tangle time Best wishes Beate
LöschenReally like the new tangle! Great tile! Can't wait to see the book!
AntwortenLöschenDear Kate, did you get your copy in the meantime? Hope so!! Thanks for joining the 101 book Project.
LöschenI really like Herzibee too. It looks like one can adorn the petals with all kinds of symbols----hearts for Valentine's Day. Maybe shamrocks for St. Patrick's day. Easter eggs for Easter---etc. etc. Very nice.
AntwortenLöschenDear Suzanne. Oh yes, this Sound like a funny idea - if you try them, please send me a photo, okay? Happy tangle-time
LöschenI like your pattern, looks so beautiful! I will try it soon. Good luck for your book :-)
AntwortenLöschenThanks; Sandra. Please let me see your results. It´s so exciting for me to see my own design tangled all over the world. Love it. Thanks for sharing your Version.
LöschenDieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenSorry, erst schreib ich auf englisch (aus Gewohnheit ;-))) und dann wird es doppelt angezeigt. Irgendwie mag mich mein Computer heute nicht...
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße :-)
Lovely, really lovely!!! I already have your book on my 'list' for my birthday. And for our Dutch tanglers: it can be bought at BOL, for us that's easier than Amazon.
AntwortenLöschenDear Anne. Thank you for your nice comment and laud. And a great info, what is bol? www.bol.nl is something else.
LöschenMooi Beate, ik heb ook Herzlbee gebruikt voor deze uitdaging, een heeel leuk en lovely patroontje! Het ziet er prachtig uit op je boekenlegger, met een beetje kleur, maak je een prachtig kaartje!
AntwortenLöschenoh, zo harstikke bedankt voor jouw aardig commentar! Huggi Bea
LöschenWhat a lovely tile and tangle! I am anxiously awaiting your book!
AntwortenLöschenDear Sue, I´m honored for your nice comment. Good, that you´ve got your book copy in the meanwhile. Happy tangle-time.
LöschenWhat a lovely tangle to play with. Just perfect for the Valentine!!
AntwortenLöschenThanks Meghna. Yes, Valentine´s time is a good time to do this heartful tangle. Show me your tangle-version. Love to see that! Happy tangle-time
LöschenLove the sweet simplicity of your tangles hearts!
AntwortenLöschenThanks! Lynell. :-)))
LöschenLove the new tangle. Thank you for sharing. I like the tile and the heart on the beach.
AntwortenLöschenHi J L Johnson. You´re welcome. And thanks for the beach-heart mention too, was on Sylt the other weekend.
LöschenI love the new tangle and your tile is wonderful. Thank you very much for sharing it with us. I can't wait to give it a try. Great tile
AntwortenLöschenDear LesliB. Thanks for your kind comment. yes, so exciting, want to see a lot of tangle-versions from Herzlbee, please!!! It´s pretty easy too.
LöschenI was inspired by Herlzbee and used it in mine, too! :) :) http://katieczt.katiecrommett.com/2015/02/valentangle-goodness-from-the-land-of-the-ice-and-snow/
AntwortenLöschenOh, how beautiful. I love your Interpretation, lovely Katie. Thanks for sharing. http://katieczt.katiecrommett.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Photo-Feb-13-8-33-35-AM.jpg