Embrace the yuck
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This is the result of my "fear and hope":
- first time left hand tangled
- first time try the tangles:
Finery, Fungees, Footlite, Hurry, Hibred Band
Dear Guest Blogger Elisa Murphey, CZT 15 - like me - did this week the challenge for Laura Harms, who took the time with her son´s surgery (witch went well she wrote earlier today! - Thanks god).
Elisa & Laura touched my heart, so - again - put everything aside and take time for Zentangle.
I´m not a parent-part, but since a short time I´m two time Grandma - starting to get used to it ;-) (each of my husbands daughters gave birth to a boy - they went both so well, absolutly cute and adorable - sunshine).
Just 3 weeks ago the 5 month old one burned his finger - autsch - so sad - and he got a big boxer-hand is now well again.
Yesterday the other one (14 month old) - just arrived for 3 weeks vacation from USA/CA, where they live since spring - took a cup from the Kitchen-Counter - with fresh boiled coffee! and burned terrible!!! So they stay now in south Germany in a Hospital! soooooo sad, we feel so symphaty for him and his mother - what a shock!
We guess, they won´t make it to Hamburg, so we sure will fly in a few days to munich, to visit and supporting them.
So, for today´s challenge instant a word came into my mind: Fear!
This is my first tangle-time with my left Hand - promise! Although I´m left hand, I only learnd writing with the right one. But because I´m a little left hand trained - I took with the left hand only new tangles, and only with the Name "F" (for my fear about the burned grandson).
And I really wondered (positiv), how good it went tangling with the non-dominant hand.
So a second feeling came into my mind: Hope!
(and I really hope the best for the little guy and his mother, that he will get well soon and altogether!
and that the other grandson please stay healthy.
Very nice tile :)
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your comment on my blog. My english is not too good,that is why I'm writing not in that language,but you find the Translate button left on my blog :)
Oh, thanks Lily. I didn´t see that button. Will check (and will have that one for my blog as well - so double check ;-)
LöschenYour left hand is realy good, nice done!
AntwortenLöschenThank you Carmela. I really was surprised. Never took the time (Patience??) to try with left Hand. That´s why I always looooove the challenges ;-) Happy greetings
LöschenYes, you do well with your left hand. I am so sorry to hear about your grandson and wish him a speedy recovery. Poor little thing. Hugs to grandma too as things like that happen and that's why they're called accidents.
AntwortenLöschenThank you, dear Jean for your compliment.
LöschenAnd till I did this tile I didn´t know, that I had the need to share such a private issue for relief. We hope and wait. Thanks for your sympathy.
Wow. You made it doubly challenging - off hand and tangles you hadn't done before. Great outcome. Burns are horrible - wishing a speedy recovery to your grandson and calm and strength to you, your husband, your daughter in law and your son
AntwortenLöschenyepp, indeed doubly challenge. Thanks Dear Megan for your likable comment and your sympathy!
LöschenToday I really felt the calming way of Zentangle again - just focus line by line, Smoking brain (hi left Hand, what are you doing? tangling?) and stop thinking for a short time about the poor little guy.
SO sorry to hear about the problems with the little ones. Hope the 14 month bouces back as quickly as the 5 month old. Your tile is very well done.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for your smpathy and hopeful comparison, J L.
LöschenWe hope and wait, tomorrow changing of bandage - under narcosic - so we will get news.
How sad about you little grandsons! My prayers go out for their quick recovery. Your tile is so nicely done - really beautiful.
AntwortenLöschenThank you Antonine for your kind comment.
LöschenAnd we are a Little reliefed: They are out of Hospital and the doctors decided, he will get a kind of a "Body" (like Nasa ;-) for healing, we have to wear some months.
Wonderful Tile, Beate. Beautifully done. Your offhand listens to you very well. Wishing your grandson gets well soon.
AntwortenLöschenDear David. Thank you for your compliment (shy rubenscence ;-)) and wish - he gets better every day.
LöschenHoi Bea, Nou zeg je linkerhand is geweldig in vorm. :) Mooi getekend. Ik hoop dat het snel beter gaat met je kleinzoon. Ik zal aan jullie denken, en veel sterkte toegewenst.
AntwortenLöschenHarstikke bedankt Diana for you commentar. :-)) Ik was erg verrasted over het resultaat, gewoon gaat het sneller met rechts, Maar goed te weten, dat ik ook kan wisselen. Gewoon oefenen.
LöschenBedankt voor jouw sterkte-wensen, hij is uit het ziekenhuis en veel beter nou. Maar toch blijven er tekenen (hals).
Well, Beate, you did quite well and I'm sure you like the result. Hope this grandchild will get better soon, so sorry to hear about this.
AntwortenLöschen:-)) yepp, I do like the result (never gave it a try - before this challenge, Lucky me I did now). Always stretching - I love it.
LöschenGrandson is much better, out of Hospital, and he will get a Kind of Body/suit for some month (for healing). So we hope, that as less as possible grain/scar will left over.
Bea!!!!!! I remember you from the very first night of seminar. We were in line together when the fire alarms went off!! Thank you so much for doing this and sharing your experience. The beauty of it goes far beyond your beautiful tile posted. I am sending lots of hope and energy over to you and your family.
AntwortenLöschenOh, right, Elisa: How lovely, I remeber you! Thank you sooo much for this challenge. I never did it left Hand before - and I´m soo touched for all the sended wishes and hope for our grandson.
LöschenThank you - at the right moment with the right task. I wish you all the best! Huggi Bea
My mother was also a left-handed person who was forced to learn to write with her right hand as a child. Fortunately, educators have learned a few things since then. Your tile hasn't suffered at all for having been done with your non-dominant hand.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for your interesting and kind comment, Suzanne.
LöschenNowadays I always look out for the little ones, how they grab a pencil or scissor in my classes. and encourage them to try out both Hands, if they not comfortable with the using hand.
At least I don´t remember, that they forced me at school to use for writing the right Hand (no damage ;-). But at home I had to give the "good hand" - I sat the table always wrong (till I figured for me, to do it from the other table side ;-) and they took knifes out of my hand ("Looks so dangerous, what are you doing..."). But sewing, Tennis, right Hand scissors - everything with left Hand.
When I grown up, I figured out "I guess, I´m left handed" - or both handed, but sure no right hand ;-)
So it was now - a lot of years later - really a surprise, that I can do a tangle with the left hand too!!! ;-) always learning when strechting, right? Thanks for thinking about my life-way I went so far! :-)
I would be proud if I could do so well with my left hand! So sorry for your little darlings...wishing the best recovery.
AntwortenLöschenOh poor little guy! My wishes are with him. Your tile is so nice!
AntwortenLöschenI'm sorry about your little guys and hope that things are going better for them. Kids do cause a lot of fear in us sometimes as well as hope. I have 5 granddaughters and know those feelings well. Your tile is beautifully done, especially with those tangles that are new to you. Well done.