Dienstag, 17. März 2015

Mein großer Zentangle Auftritt - Messe Frankfurt Paperworld/CreativWorld

Liebe Kreative,

oh, was war das aufregend:

Die Messe Frankfurt hat mich gebucht,
um Ende Januar auf der weltgrößten Fach-Kreativ-Messe

gleich 2x auf die Bühne zu gehen,
um Zentangle vorzustellen
(mit Headset und Kameramann und allem drum und dran)

und dazu (zum Glück easy peacy für mich)
2 Tage lang diverse Workshops
für die Fachhändler durchzuführen.

Vollster Erfolg! :-)))

Ich lass mal die Bilder sprechen, okay? 

Happy Grüße  Beate

Dear Zentangle-friends

time is flying by - I just wanted to let you know:
I did it!!!

The world biggest business-craft-fair (Paperworld/Creativeworld in Frankfurt) booked me
- to introduce Zentangle on stage (speech and show) as well as several workshops on the fair for 2 days.

I was soooo excited to go on the Podium,- and:
I survived!!! and did very well the moderator said. ...

Short cut: It´s an amazing experience!!!! Where is my next stage?! :-)
The workshops went very well too.
I had very kind persons all over the world, explained at the same time in german, english and nederlands ;-)
1 hour workshops, and happy participants leaving smiling with a tile in their hand further. I had a great time. 


A  little advice as a coach:
If you have the chance: Go always two times on the same stage with the same topic :-)It´s much easier the second time, because you know, how it feels to see the lights, the camera, the technic staff, how the headset feels as well as your own heart beat.
You will know, how loud you have to speak up, how far you can look, how you use your time up there.  

Happy&reliefed greetings

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